
Showing posts from May, 2017

My Armor Basics

So I figured I should make a basic list of the tools I use and what for... Big Foam: Foam puzzle mats, the kind individuals use in car shops- I also try to get a variety of thickness. Little Foam: Craft foam is best for details, it can be found in most craft stores. Paint: If I paint my armor, I use any basic spray-paint. This is to make sure that I have no paint strokes and the coverage is better. Mod Podge: This is a big need for paint users. Always have AT LEAST two layers before any paint is applied. Fabric: I used fabric over my DMG armor, which gave a more cartoon look, I recommend four way stretch fabric for this. Box Cutter: I use a newly sharp box cutter to cut the foam puzzle mats. Xacto knife or Scissors: I use these to cut out craft foam. Heat Gun: I recommend one with a high and low setting, I have burned foam before. DO NOT use a hairdryer- they are never going to be the right heat. Barge: This is a cement glue- so be careful! I like to basically...


-The pattern for Roy's (SSB4) chest piece and bottom chest piece- Some people find it difficult already to find something in their size, however making armor comes with no patterns at all. I make mine in the simplest way I know- well two ways. (I also use big rolls of wax paper and draw on the rough side.) 1: For something like a chest piece I use measuring tape to measure the longest part of the armor horizontally, make that line (like here in black), measure the shortest part horizontally, and then the same both lengths with vertical. What I am describing is the big black cross on the top pattern. That usually gives me the ability to work out the rest of it still using measuring tape. 2: For making patterns for shoulders, I trace my shoulder, then draw out the shape I want, cut that out, then cut double that onto foam for just one shoulder. P.S. LABEL YOUR PATTERNS -Hope this helps!